Environment Feedback

To: You
From: Eric Wenske

One of the most important aspects of delightful movement comes from the visuals themselves! Make sure the character interacts with the world, but make sure the environment gives pleasurable feedback as well!

Environment Feedback is a simple way to let the player and the world interact with each other. Feedback can include: leaving footprints in the snow, running through a wall of cardboard boxes, birds getting out the way, etc.

Environment Feedback in Actual
Video Games

In Mario Odyssey, throwing Mario's hat at many object will cause it to delightfully spin on top of the object even if it does little else. How fun!

In Sonic 3, Ice Cap Zone contains bridges that light up beneath Sonic's feet. Beautiful!

Jet Set Radio's Kogane-cho provides feedback through spinning signs, shocked pedestrians, and meowing cats!

Extreme Environment Feedback!