The Runway

To: You
From: Eric Wenske

"The Runway" is a way to give the player a feeling of anticipation before the game action. It takes place before any real gameplay begins, and exists to both build excitement and amaze with the audiovisual flair of accelerating into the action!

The Runway Sequence

Part 1: Fueling Up and Taxiing

This is the calm before the storm. Our character is safe for now, but knows a battle is ahead. This is a good time for the player to relax between the action, check out the base, and SELECT THEIR CHARACTER!

Part 2: Takeoff

The plane has now started accelerating down the runway! This is where we build up the antipation of the gameplay. Our character's mind is now on the upcoming battle.

Part 3: Lift Off

The plane lifts into the air! Here is where we transition our game into the action. After the transition to gameplay, throw some start-the-level text ("Get ready!", "Fight", "Go", etc.) at the player's screen to MAKE IT OFFICIAL!

The Runway in Actual
Video Games

Virtual-On Oratorio Tangram: Select your character and launch into battle!

Solar Assault: Taking off!

Power Stone 2: Ayame runs into battle!

Mobile Suit Gundam Char's Counterattack