Complex Input Execution

To: You
From: Eric Wenske

Reward complex input execution with greater movement abililty.

As pointed out in the Precise Input Timing gift, player movement can quickly become stale if not done well. Rewarding the player with extra speed and flare can keep movement delightful!

Think about complex input execution as a thing that isn't necessarily required, but is enjoyable and helpful when used! In many racing games, you don't HAVE to drift, but it sure is fun and will give you the edge!

Complex Input Execution in Actual
Video Games

In Outrun 2, tapping the brakes and then steering heavilly into a turn while accelerating (in automatic transmission) causes your car to drift around the corner. As a reward, momentum is maintained around turns that would normally require speed reduction.

In Crazy Taxi, a forward boost can be achieved by hitting the brakes and going into reverse followed by going back into drive and slamming down the acceleration.